[This is an guest article without paid Advertisement but contains brand suggestions from brands that the author Vany Visits personally likes.]
Having big plans and dreams is good and important – and somehow that´s what life is all about. But there are times where it feels like you are not getting any step closer to achieving your goal. I know that feeling, because I have been there before. There was a time of my life where I just stopped learning new things. I was trapped in job I hated and where I did the same things each and every day. Then I found out what was the missing part and therefor the reason why I was not growing personally and professionally anymore: Education!
I looked out for ways on how to educate myself while working and things got better really quick. I want to show you some easy ways how you can learn new things – with less time and money. But it still will be worth it – I promise!
Read books – but also work with them!
Obviously books are a great way to educate yourself – if it’s the right one! I started reading guidebooks and I want to change the way you see books. For a really long time I treated mine as my sanctuaries. I didn’t even dogeared them! Today I still love my books, but I want to WORK with them. And you should try that too, if you really want to learn with them. Mark your favorite lines, make notes and in the end sum up the book in your own words. Try to get as much knowledge out of them as you can! Let them teach you!
Take online courses and use the Internet wisely
The internet brings us so many great opportunities – just as online courses! Especially when you are working as a digital nomad, this option is a very important one for you. You can complete them at the beach or while sitting at home in your PJs! There are a lot of courses that deal with different topics. From financial knowledge and even spiritual things to online marketing – there are no borders when it comes to education on the internet.
I really like looking for online courses at udemy. Sometimes you can be lucky and find courses for free or ones that are reduced. It is super easy to handle!
But the Internet does not only give us online courses: There are also free blogposts and e-books, Podcasts and YouTube Videos. A lot of experts out there are willing to share their knowledge with you. I think this is a great way of learning, because you can pick those things, that you are really interested in. We should be grateful for all this free education on the internet and that we have access to it without any limitations.
Work with a coach or look for role models
As I said before there are some moments in life where you simply don’t know where your road might lead you. I think a great way to focus on the things you really want and learn throughout this whole process is working with a coach. Coaches are trained in helping you to find your own way and to focus on your strengths.
You might have heard of Franzis Coaching program, which i am attending as well. She shows you how to live a location independent life as a digital nomad / online entrepreneur / freelancer and gives you the best tips for your own Online Business, Personal Branding and Social Media Marketing. I can highly recommend you to check out her coaching sessions, if you want to learn more in this field.
I personally like learning from other people which is why I also try to surround myself with my role models or mentors. Do you know any person who has already achieved what is your dream? Try to get to know these people and learn from their behavior and their manners. Even if they are famous: you could read their biography or follow them on their social media. Again: we live in times where it is super easy to get inspired and learn so we should use our opportunities!
The easiest way to learn new things is travelling. Not only you get to know other cultures and religions, the history about the destination you´re visiting and a lot of other things…the best part for me is talking to the locals. I love the part where you learn about their way of life and how they see the world. That is the one thing about travelling that changed me the most. On every trip I made I learned so many things in such a short amount of time. Try to be more openminded when you´re on the road. See the small things and let them affect you. You will learn so many things about yourself and it will change you in a great way.
Join or build up a mastermind group
Building my own mastermind group and get connected to three like-minded girls was a real gamechanger in my life. The first thing is that you can share your dreams with each other and help and support one another in fulfilling them. But as you hear about their goals and dreams and how they try to achieve it you learn so many things. It is the exchange that is so valuable and it helps you to broaden your mind.
If you don’t know any people in your surroundings that have the same interests as you, you can simply use social media to find like-minded people. I have never seen the girls of my mastermind group in real life, but we have this strong connection now and it just feels great. I am sure everybody benefits from such an exchange!
Join business and networking events
Another important thing you can do is visiting events or listen to talks about specific topics. You could even attend at workshops to educate yourself. Once a month I look for those kinds of events that are around my corner and visit some of them.
To find special events I like using Eventbrite. It is a platform with events from all over the world – so even if you are hanging in a hammock at the beach in Bali you can look for cool events to attend.
Bonus tip: find the one thing you love
I promise you this: if you find the one thing you love, you´ll do anything to spend your time with it. If you really love what you´re doing, learning new things about it will be easy. Because it doesn’t feel like learning at all. It is more like wanting to see a process and the urge of getting better.
For example, when I started my own blog I learned everything about SEO and Social Media because I really wanted to work things out for me. Some days I spent many hours in front of my laptop but it never felt like working at all. I enjoyed learning all these new things, because it was, and still is, the thing I love.
I hope this blogpost reminds you of educating yourself from time to time and to never stop learning. As you can see, it is super easy nowadays and we should use all of those great opportunities.
Guestarticle by Vany Visits:
Hi, my name is Vany and I am from Germany. Right now I am working on my digital nomad life, so that I can combine working and travelling and live a happy life. I love travelling because it teaches me so many things about life and about myself. It is what inspires the most. On my german blog I try to inspire people to live their dreams and focus on what they really wanna do in life. And I also share some of my travel stories with my follower on Social Media. If you want to have a look – this is my Blog: http://www.vanyvisits.com.
Here you can see also the personal Franzi´s Footprints Recommendation List (mainly german speaking and some in english), with her favorite Online Courses, Books, Events etc. It´s all about Personal Growth, Online Business, Travel, Location independent work, Social Media and Languages!
- Must-read books, e-books & audiobooks!
DE “Die 4 Stunden Woche” von Timothy Ferriss: Das ist DAS Buch, quasi die Bibel für alle die ortsunabhängig arbeiten (möchten): Für ein freies, glücklicheres Leben wo immer man möchte
EN “The 4 hours work-week” by Timothy Ferriss: The bible for all who (want to) work location independent from everywhere in the world. Earning money online.
DE “Lebe deine Kraft – Die 8 Gesetze der Selbstverantwortung” von Kurt Tepperwein. Mega spannendes Buch
EN “The subtle art of not giving a f*ck” by Mark Manson. A counterintuitive approach to living a good life.
EN “The power of habit – Why we do what we do and how to change it” by Charles Duhigg.
DE “Sieger zweifeln nicht! Zweifler siegen nicht”: Von Deutschland´s Top Vertriebsexperte Dirk Kreuter. Für Mehr Erfolg durch die Entwicklung eines Sieger-Mindsets, Mehr Motivation da weiter zu machen, wo andere aufhören, die Richtige Zielsetzung, damit du all deine Ziele erreichst und für mehr Zeit durch gezieltes strukturieren des Alltags.
DE “Der Lebenskünstler”. Ein grandioses Buch, wie du aus allen Situationen im Leben das Beste machst. Auch finanziell.
DE “Stark im Marketing: Wie Du ohne große Vorkenntnisse, ohne Studium: Marketing für dein Unternehmen machst, das dir mehr Umsatz und mehr Bekanntheit bringt.
DE “DU bist die Marke!”: Geniales Praxisbuch + Hörbuch für Personal Branding und erfolgreiche Positionierung. Pflichtlektüre!
EN Every Book by Tony Robbins is life-changing! Check it out! He is the godfather of Personal Development and Success
DE “Das Kind in dir muss Heimat finden – Der Schlüssel zur Lösung (fast) aller Probleme. Von Stefanie Stahl
- German Books for free / Kostenlose Pflichtlektüren!
DE Das kostenlose Taschenbuch für Gründer: Geballtes Wissen für deinen Start ins Online Business von Sascha Ahlers & Thomas Klußmann von Gruender.de. GRATIS!!
DE Das kostenlose Online Marketing Handbuch Von Content Marketing Strategien über SEO, Facebook, Google, Instagram, Snapchat hin zu Influencer und Newsletter Marketing. Von Thomas Klußmann von Gruender.de mit Vorwort von Dirk Kreuter. GRATIS!!
DE Entscheidung Erfolg – Das kostenlose Buch von Vertriebsexperte Dirk Kreuter. Wie du in 7 Schritten aus Niederlagen und Misserfolgen die Kraft gewinnst um mehr zu verkaufen, als du je zuvor getan hast. Für alles (angehenden) Selbstständigen, Freelancer, Führungskräfte. und Vertriebler. GRATIS!!
DE “Reicher als die Geissens” – Das kostenlose Erfolgsbuch von Christian Bischoff. GRATIS!!!
DE Glückskinder (Kostenlos): Lass Dich berühren, wachrütteln und begeistern! Hermann Scherer zeigt auf, wie man chancenintelligent wird. Das heißt, wie man seine – sich täglich bietenden – Chancen erkennt und effizient nutzt. Spiegelbestseller! GRATIS!!!
- Online Produkte/ Kurse/ Portale für ein erfolgreiches Business:
DE Erfolgreich selbstständig sein (Online-Kurs): Wie Du pro Woche 7 Stunden weniger arbeitest während Du Dein Einkommen verdoppelst. Von Calvin Hollywood
The best Productivity Tools & Hacks from two world-class performers!: Video course powered by Calvin Hollywood (English)
DE Think Big Evolution – Erfolg. Erfüllung. Evolution: Der 33 tägige Erfolgskurs von und mit Veit Lindau
DE Digital Money Maker Club: Wie du in nur 3 Schritten ein profitables Online Business aufbaust. Für Angestellte, Selbstständige, Aussteiger und Freigeister!
DE “Die Startrampe” von Jakob Hager: In wenigen Minuten zum eigenen Online Business.
DE MASTERCOACHING: In 30 Tagen in die Umsetzung: GEHEIMNISSE FÜR DEINEN ERFOLG: Erreiche in den nächsten 30 Tagen mehr als in den vergangenen 6 Monaten.
DE Das Bootcamp für erfolgreiche Selbstständigkeit: Ein hochwirksames Schritt-für-Schritt-System, um dich in deiner Dienstleistung erfolgreich auszubuchen. Eingespielt und begleitet von Veit Lindau.
DE 111 Motivationstipps von Christian Bischoff: Exakte Anleitungen mit denen du endlich ins Handeln kommst! Der absolute Kick-Ass für alle, die sich noch nicht richtig trauen!
DE Der Weg zum Expertenstatus / Topspeaker: Erfolgs-Macher Hermann Scherer erklärt leicht verständlich, wie man Wissen in bares Geld umwandeln kann!
- Social Media, Website und Bildbearbeitung
DE Social Media like a boss – Das Hörbuch mit allen Informationen rund um die populärsten Social Media Plattformen (Facebook, Instagram und Youtube uvm. Von den wichtigsten Grundlagen bis hin zu speziellen Strategien und Techniken. Von Calvin Hollywood.
DE Instagram like a boss – Das Videotraining: 15 Strategien für mehr Follower und Reichweite! Von Calvin Hollywood.
DE 50+ INSTAGRAM HACKS: Eine Schritt für Schritt Anleitung für mehr echte Follower und Reichweite auf Instagram, von Influencern erklärt.
DE Facebook Marketing für Unternehmer: Geballtes Expertenwissen und Insights für erfolgreiche Werbekampagnen via Facebook.
DE Facebook Ads Anleitung 2.0 + BONUS: Wie du durch automatisierte Werbeanzeigen täglich neue Kunden für digitale Coachingprodukte gewinnst.
DE Mehr Erfolg auf Facebook – Der Videokurs: Lerne jetzt, wie du mehr Fans, E-Mail Kontakte und Kunden auf Facebook gewinnst!
DE Die Traffic-Bibel: Ein geniales Buch das erklärt, wie man die Besucherzahlen auf seiner Website gravierend erhöhen kann! von Björn Tantau.
DE Traffic – Dieses Buch verändert Online Marketing 2018: Wertvolle Strategien um erfolgreich Werbung im Internet zu schalten und mehr Traffic auf die eigene Website zu bringen.
DE WordPress – Das ebook für Einsteige: Mit dieser WordPress-Komplettlösung bist du auch als Einsteiger in der Lage, in kürzester Zeit eine eigene Website zu erstellen. Mit verständlicher Schritt für Schritt Anleitung.
DE Online SEO Kurs „SEO Master Checklist 2018: Von Ex-Google Mitarbeiter Jonas Weber mit über 10 Jahre SEO Erfahrung! Die besten Strategien zur erfolgreichen Suchmaschinenoptimierung.
DE 1 Mio Bloggertipps – Klar. Einfach. Schritt für Schritt. Für bessere und erfolgreichere Blogs mit hochwertigem Content. Wie man vom Bloggen und Instagram Postings leben kann und seiner Zielgruppe echten Mehrwert bietet!
DE Lightroom like a boss – Fotos bearbeiten wie ein Profi mit den Top Tipps von Calvin Hollywood.
DE Photoshop / Lightroom / Fotografie Hacks – Die Aufzeichnung: Über 4 Stunden Videomaterial mit den besten Tipps für´s Bilderbearbeiten. Von Calvin Hollywood.
- Better Travel:
DE Besser Sparen – Mehr Reisen: Wie du dir mit dem richtigen Money-Mindset deine Reiseträume erfüllst. E-book für deine Weltreise von Felicia Hargarten von DNX und Travelicia.
- Events for digital Nomads, Freelancer, Online Entrepreneurs (also for Starters):
DE DNX Festival BERLIN 2019: Das Mega Event für (angehende) digitale Nomaden, Online Entrepreneure und Menschen die ortsunabhängig leben (möchten) mit Deutschland´s Top Speakern und Workshops. (by Felicia Hargarten & Marcus Meurer, DNX Global)
EN DNX Festival 2019 (english speaking): The Mega Event for (future) Digital Nomads, Online Entrepreneurs, location independent workers. (by Felicia Hargarten & Marcus Meurer, DNX Global)
DE & EN DNX Coworking and Coliving Camps (worldwide). (by Felicia Hargarten & Marcus Meurer, DNX Global)
- Online Language Courses:
EN Learn Italian by speaking – Improve your language skills in just 10 minutes a day!
DE Online Englisch lernen – Einfach sprechen! Verbessere deine Englisch Kenntnisse ganz easy online!
- Brainwork:
DE PSYCHOLOGIE MASTER: Praktische Psychologie für Deinen Alltag: Wie man Psychologie erlernen kann und sie praktisch im Alltag einsetzt.